My name is Philip Keller. I teach physics at Holmdel High School in New Jersey. My students are fine young men and women who patiently indulge (and even encourage) my occasional digressions on to topics that, while physics-related, are not officially in our curriculum. When I can, I like to show them other ways of looking at the math they already know. Or show them the math that they should have known before taking on the challenge of learning physics.
Some of these topics are gathered and organized in a book that I hope to release this summer. Advanced Math for Young Students: A First Course in Algebra is designed for middle school students to give them a head start in thinking algebraically and using algebra to solve puzzles and to express relationships. That’s what we do in physics all the time.
Working on this project has led me to ponder other mathematical questions that are more suitable for high school students and teachers to ponder. I would like to use this blog to explore some of them as well. Expect a mixture of math, physics and some ideas about how we teach them.
I am new to blogging in general and to WordPress in particular. As I learn its features, expect format changes and all kinds of plug-ins and gizmos. I expect to eventually settle down to a consistent look, but for now there are so many new toys to play with.
Mr K